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Thread: concours location

  1. #1

    Question concours location

    I was wondeing about where in Sonoma the concours will be.
    Is it at the lodge?
    The web site does not say anything about the location of the concours - and the swap meet.
    ( or at least I cannot find it)
    A friend of mine, who is a good (car) photographer wants to come up for that day.


  2. #2
    Joe Amaro

    Location of Concours

    The Concours and People's Choice competition, as well as the Swap Meet and Technical Presentations, will held at:

    "La Casa Grade" parking area located just behind the north side of the Sonoma Plaza (enter off of 1st Street East). We'll begin assembling cars and setting up by 9 a.m., with judging/tech sessions/swap meet starting by 10 a.m.

    This location is about one mile from the Lodge. From the hotel, exit left (north) on to Broadway and proceed all the way until it ends at the front side of the Plaza (you'll be facing City Hall). Turn right onto East Napa and then left onto 1st Street East. The parking entrance is just past East Spain Street on the left side.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sonoma plaza map.gif 
Views:	201 
Size:	18.3 KB 
ID:	1551  
    Last edited by Joe Amaro; 06-11-2004 at 01:36 AM.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Any chance of an internet simulcast for those poor slobs back east who couldn't make the trip? No NetCam? Or do we have to wait until the pics come on line?

  5. #5
    Joe Amaro
    Flanders - A netcam would be cool indeed. I should have thought of mounting one on my bumper ! Since we don't have that, maybe we can try to post daily pics during the convention to give you a taste of the activities.

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